

What is OER: Video by Robin DeRosa

List of Open Pedagogy Assignments by University of British Columbia

Killing the Disposable Assignment and Examples of Open Pedagogy: Blog Post

Open Pedagogy Resources A PDF slide of Open Pedagogy definitions, resources, research, and recommended strategies

Open Pedagogy in Action Webinar by  John Jay TLC Faculty Fellow Dr. Michelle Strah about her asynchronous course on Disinformation and Cybercrime that had no technical prerequisites.

Examples of OER from the Live Sessions

Decolonization and Justice: An Introductory Overview

After Alexander: A Confluence of Cultures

The African American Great Migration and New European Immigration

Highlights of Calculus

Information Literacy in Action: Evaluating Medical Research

Murder, Madness and Mayhem: Wiki Project

Instructor essay about creating Murder, Madness and Mayhem 

Annotated Google Spreadsheet with Additional Examples, Categorized by Subject

Platforms to Search for OER

OER Commons

Open Textbook Library

Open Educational Resources section from John Jay Remote Resources LibGuide

Searching OER Collections From Medgar Evers College OER LibGuide The sections on Courseware and OER Textbook Repositories are particularly useful.

Brooklyn College OER LibGuide has a wealth of resources.

Assess and Evaluate an OER: A Rubric

Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons Licenses

John Jay Fair Use and Copyright Guide for Faculty A LibGuide with principles and tools

A three minute video introduction to Creative Commons licensing

The Creative Commons License Chooser tool

Copyright and Fair Use A slide deck from JJC librarian Ellen Sexton.

Creating and Remixing Your Own OER

The OER Starter Kit Workbook a good primer and guide when creating an OER. (It’s available on CUNY’s Manifold site, see below.)

CUNY Pressbooks Guide: Pressbooks is an authoring platform built on the popular WordPress publishing and blogging platform.

Modifying an Open Textbook: What You Need to Know and Authoring Open Textbooks are valuable guides from the Open Education Network.

The CUNY Manifold Guide explains how to use, Manifold, a digital publishing platform for the entire CUNY community, where you can create and share your own scholarship, custom classroom versions of texts and textbooks that are openly licensed or in the public domain, Open Educational Resources (OER), journals, or use Manifold Reading Groups to build your own course reader from materials already available on our instance of Manifold.

A Guide to Making Open Textbooks with Students has a several case studies and models for different types of student/professor creative collaboration. social annotation tool. The Quick-Start Guide for Teachers shows how to sign up for a free account, and a CUNY Graduate Center Guide has more information to help you get started.


WebAim: WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool This tool provides accessibility information for specific webpages. Paste a URL to see how accessible the website is, based on WebAim’s ratings.

Live Session Recordings and Slides

Week 1 Slides

Week 1 Lecture Recording: Passcode: Fy%S1.M^

Week 2 Slides

Week 2 Lecture Recording: Passcode: A!B+H7M8

Week 3 Lecture Recordings: Passcode: &K3z4Lui

Week 3 Slides