Using a platform of your choice, find at least one OER that you would like to incorporate in your assignment and include a link to it.
1) Write a few sentences explaining how you might incorporate this resource into your assignment. It could be a source of information, a template, a guide, a tool to help with creating/revising/remixing etc. Or something else!
2) Include, specifically, how this resource can be reused, revised, or remixed.
3) What license does this OER have and how will it affect your use of it?
Please answer by Sunday, 7/31
I think I would incorporate a WIKI page for my students and I to create, remix, and future students to reuse and redistribute for future classes.
With a wiki page, other students can revise and remixed with their own ideas, research and outcome. One of things I am looking forward to and into, is the research that goes into this idea. I feel that because my class is a policy research class, my students will have to use their research, technology skills to compose a proper link for this capstone course.
I think because of the type of OER, I would recommend to my students (of course with their permission) to make it open access, and may making some parts limited access. I would recommend them having some control and let them keep their credit for doing the initial research.
Vedica – Your Wiki page idea seems very interesting. I have heard of some instructors using a Google doc for this purpose, but I think a Wiki page may be more easily accessible for students. I am not very familiar with Wiki pages – Is it in itself open access? Would non-students be able to access and alter it? I think if there is some way to password protect it and therefore ensure that only registered students access and edit it would be very helpful.
I plan to incorporate two platforms: a learning resource and creating a glossary assignment. The details are below:
Link to a learning resource: I have been teaching Theories of Social Order (Soc 314) asynchronously. My weekly module comprises reading assignments, videos, and class slides. Students are asked to participate in the discussion forum after reading articles and reviewing videos. I am glad to find a very relevant reading summary about Sigmund Freud on the OER Commons website. I plan to provide the link to this OER section (details below) in my weekly module about Freud along with other weekly learning materials (class slides, videos, journal articles, and book chapters). Students will be asked to cite the OER material (according to ASA guidelines) if they use it in their discussion post or the final paper.
The OER section describes the assumptions of the psychodynamic perspective on personality development; the nature and function of the id, ego, and superego; the defense mechanisms; the psychosexual stages of personality development.
Level: Community College / Lower Division
Material Type: Module
Provider: Rice University
Provider Set: OpenStax College
Date Added:07/10/2017
License: Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial
Assignment/Activity: Students will be assigned to create a glossary or reading guide for course content. I will provide the list of words to make sure that the glossary is built in the context of the course, rather than a general list of definitions. This will be a group assignment and students will be asked to choose the reading material and sign up in the first week. I plan to edit/reuse the glossary every semester.
This looks like a well-defined unit for an assignment. Good luck with it!
So I am hoping to slowly convert my senior Capstone seminar to utilize OER/ or Zero cost materials. The second book for my course, Maruna’s Making Good is already available for free for download from the library resources. In addition, several articles covered in class are available from the library resources – I traditionally post the articles in Blackboard a couple weeks ahead of time to make it easier for students to locate them.
I spent several hours over the weekend looking at the MIT OER page, Merlot and OER Commons attempting to find sources which can replicate the main textbook I use for the course (Jacoby et al’s Classics of Criminology). While I found a lot of helpful resources for some of the other courses I teach, especially on the MIT OER page, I struggled to find the specific materials/readings that I was hoping to find for my Capstone course unfortunately. When I did find a resource, unfortunately it wasn’t as academic as I would have hoped. For example, I cover the Stanford Prison Experiment as one of my lectures. I found the following resource on Merlot OER: Stanford Prison Experiment This OER resource is somewhat of a multipurpose webpage – the main element is a sales pitch page for a Hollywood movie and a tell all type book on the experiment – which isn’t necessarily what I would want my students to be reading/watching per se. There are additional links to other interviews and lectures regarding the experiment as well. I have a 12-13 min youtube clip that I traditionally show in class that draws a comparison to Abu Ghraib and shows video and sound clips from the actual experiment, and subsequent interviews with the researchers and some participants. As for how I would use the Stanford Prison Experiment OER resource listed above – I think I am going to link the original work and YouTube video (as required reading/viewing materials) and I will provide the link to the OER source in Blackboard as an additional optional resource for students to utilize.
I decided to try to see if I could find some topics/articles in the John Jay library resources and I did have some luck finding some of materials available for free download. I have spent a lot of time crafting this course with the precise topics and readings that I feel are pertinent for the students to learn. I am hesitant to abandon the topics that I traditionally cover in this course, in favor of topics where I can more easily find OER resources. So I have found a few similar resources to the materials I traditionally cover in the John Jay library resources page. I think it is likely going to take awhile to find the OER resources that I would like, so I am going to focus on finding Zero Cost materials for now that cover the same topics. For the Fall 2022 semester, I will still assign the textbook, but will post the supplementary Zero Cost material as well – and I will emphasize to students that they should use the supplementary materials to help flesh out the materials we cover in lecture.
The first segment of the Capstone course is Criminology – as previously mentioned, while I had some difficulty finding a quality article/summary on Anomie theory in OER, I did find a quality source in the John Jay library resources.