Based on what you’ve written and considered over the last two weeks, create a rough draft assignment sheet. Format it in a way that makes sense for you. Below are some guidelines to help you with drafting. Due Friday, 8/5.
1) Include a brief description of the assignment
- What are students making?
- Will they create/edit an entire resources in one semester, or just a part of a resource?
- What subject-specific topic does the assignment address?
- What makes this assignment “open” (describe how this assignment can be re-used, revised, remixed etc.)?
2) Include guidelines and learning goals
- What content or features of the resource-to-be-made/edited are essential?
- What parts of the assignment do you want students to prioritize?
- What are your responsibilities in this assignment and what are the students’?
3) Include some (tentative) dates for when major milestones of the project need to be completed